Monday, August 24, 2009

Pray for your "Ninevah"

Our study last week was from the book of Jonah, and one thing we learned is that God does not want us to withhold his word or blessing from other people, regardless of how we personally view them.

We have decided to each choose a country to pray for and that they would turn to God just as Ninevah did in Jonah. Each country has specific prayer needs. For those of you who got a printout in class, please post:
1. The country you have and
2. One specific prayer need for that country

There are many sites online that are oriented toward this. See the following two websites:

For those who have not chosen a country to pray for, please go to one of these sites (or any site) and choose one and post it here. There is lots of info on each country on these websites.


  1. By the way, I have chosen Iran. One important need is that it is 0.3% Christian. There are many prayer needs including strength for persecuted Christians. Also, specifically, Iran has the highest opiate drug addiction rate in the world (2005 UN report) - 3 to 5 Million of its 72 million people are addicted.

  2. I chose Indonesia, which wasn't a country that Jason passed around, but is one that has been on my mind lately. The major prayer need is the hold that Islam has on the country - over 80% of the country is Muslim. The country has traditionally been very closed to Christians, but the tsunami that took place several years ago really opened the country. The government needed to start letting volunteers of any religion come in because there was so much damage to the country. Hopefully, God will begin a harvest now that he has opened a door for workers.
